In Matthew chapter 4, Jesus is shown being tempted by Satan: first by tempting Him to turn stones into bread because He had been fasting for 40 days and was very weak, second by tempting Him to jump off the highest point of the temple to prove who He was and third, tempting Him to take a short cut to gain the world. Satan tempts us at our greatest weak points/felt needs. If our needs can’t be met in a normal way, the temptation is to try to meet our need another way – an inappropriate way. Once we give in to this temptation, it is hard to stop being repeated over and over. Sometimes we are tempted to prove ourselves to others, so we act and take chances we should not do. Other times we are tempted to take short cuts to succeed, so we compromise and weaken ourselves and our success.
Jesus refused to give in to His physical weakness, and remained strong. He didn’t need to prove anything to Satan because Jesus knew who He was (and He knew Satan knew, too). Jesus didn’t take a short cut because He was committed to His mission to do it right.
Jesus was tempted in every way that we are. He is able to understand and to offer forgiveness and help to overcome our sins. He knows our every struggle, our ever mistake, our every heartbreak and He is eager to help us, no matter how hard or long the struggle, as long as we do not give up the battle ourselves.
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