We all do or say stupid things from time to time. We feel embarrassed and guilty. Some do stupid things over and over and over again, even to become a habit. Some of those do so the rest of their lives. Some, however, do something that makes them sit up and say “Whoa!” Stopping one’s foolish behavior is good, very good, but that’s not enough. Repentance before God is essential. In the Old Testament book of 2 Samuel, we learn of King David’s foolishness. He commits adultery with Bathsheba (by law, punishable by death) and arranges for the death of her husband (also by law, punishable by death). His “Whoa!” moment came later when he was confronted by the prophet Nathan. David wrote Psalm 51, a powerful expression of his repentance. In it he states to God “against You, You only, have I sinned and done what is evil in Your sight.” Certainly, David sinned against others, but his emphasis is that his greatest sin was against God Himself, Who is the Creator, Lawgiver and Judge. David urgently admits his sin and seeks to be forgiven and renewed inwardly and in his relationship with God. Repentance isn’t just saying “I’m sorry” but also admitting one’s sin, saying “no” to further such sinning, seeking God’s forgiveness and desiring to be made a better person by God and to be in a renewed relationship with God. Whatever foolishness (sin) you may be committing in your life, turn to God and repent. God is willing to forgive and help you follow Him. As God states in Isaiah 1:18,
“Come now, let us reason together,” says the Lord. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. NIV
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