Calvary Christian Church prayerfully and financially supports a variety of missions – all primarily focussed on seeking and saving the lost, i.e., bringing them back to Jesus Christ, and teaching, encouraging and training Christians in service to God. One of our missions is introduced below.
Oak Hill Christian Camp opened in 1954 on land donated by the Harris family.
Oak Hill is a non-profit organization, incorporated under the laws of the State of Virginia. The camp is sponsored by Christian Churches/Churches of Christ in the Central Virginia area. It achieves its support from camper registration fees and donations from church congregations like ours as well as from individuals. Calvary’s Missions program supports the camp with a $100 donation each month.
Camp attendance averages 315 campers per summer and, over the years, Calvary has had many children and teens attend. They learned a lot, had fun and some accepted Christ while there and were baptized in the camp pool. Four of our youth members attended in 2016, participating in the weeklong Music and Drama Camp, which performed at several churches throughout Virginia, culminating in a final performance at Gethsemane Church of Christ.
Oak Hill seeks to guide, instruct and inspire all who attend any of its activities. With the influence of godly men and women who come from our churches to help in every capacity of camp life, everyone who attends receives a rich experience in living, growing and worshipping together in the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ.
(Written by Charlotte Tate, Chairperson, Calvary Christian Church’s Mission Team.)
Note: Besides youth weeks of camp through the summer, youth retreats, women’s retreats and men’s retreats are held through the year.
Another of the missions the congregation prayerfully and financially supports is the Hippo Valley Christian Mission.
An American soldier, shivering in a cold Nazi prison camp at the end of World War II, pleaded for God to spare his life. Then and there, he vowed to give the rest of his life in service to Him. John C. Pemberton never forgot that promise, and it was one that would ultimately change the lives of thousands in Zimbabwe.
In 1956, John and his wife, Marge, along with Dennis and Lucy Pruett, began the first of many mission works in the country of Rhodesia, which today is Zimbabwe. More than fifty years later, their legacy continues. The Hippo Valley Christian Mission’s programs include church planting, with dozens of churches across Zimbabwe and four in Mozambique established and supported by them, preacher training and discipleship, with opportunities for Christian men and women to attend Bible College in Zimbabwe and training by local leadership through annual seminars and conferences; Christian education, with 27 schools catering to 17,000 students receiving a top-notch education that includes a Bible-based, Christian-centered curriculum; Children’s Homes, including two orphanages with schools directly linked to local churches; and Medical assistance, with two fully staffed clinics and a partnership with the Mashoko Christian Hospital.
Today, the Pembertons have a granddaughter, Stephanie, who along with her husband, Rah, live and work in Zimbabwe. Stephanie grew up there where her parents worked with the Mission. Stephanie runs the Children’s program at her church and helps the children develop a firm Biblical foundation.
Another mission this congregation supports is Mountain Mission School. Since its establishment in 1921, God has brought more than 20,000 at-risk youth out of their distress and into the land of promise that is Mountain Mission School, located in Grundy, Virginia.
Mountain Mission School provides each child with the foundation of first-rate academics, a loving family environment, positive social support, and a firm commitment to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The school receives no federal or state funding but is supported by individuals, churches, foundations and businesses moved to help in its efforts to stand as a refuge, resource and relief for the child in need.
Over the years, Calvary Christian Church has supported the school, not only with donations of money but in other ways as well. One dedicated Christian couple from our church willed their land and house to Mountain Christian School upon their deaths. Another adopted a little boy whose mother had died and enrolled him in the school.
Today, 256 children from crib to high school seniors reside on campus. 98% of their graduates go on to colleges and universities to further their education. Last year, six of their senior basketball players won Division One scholarships and their soccer team won their program’s first National Championship.
Mountain Mission School serves as home, church and school for children in need, coming to them not only from Appalachia but from more than 60 countries around the world.
Waypoint church Partners is a fusion of two like-minded organizations, the Virginia Evangelizing Fellowship and Envision Church Planting. Together they help church leaders navigate the challenges of ministry by providing low-to-no-cost services and support for an enormous variety of needs. From planting brand new churches around the Mid-Atlantic region to getting church leaders together in collaborative learning environments called Fusion Groups to offering special training in guest services or preaching seminars. Waypoint church Partners is all about serving the local church.