In 1981, my favorite rock group, the Kinks, released a social commentary song entitled, “Give the People What They Want.” Part of the lyrics were “give them lots of sex, perversion and rape, give them lots of violence and plenty to hate.” The song is just as relevant today. These things are still in our entertainment in movies and TV. Pornography, violence and hate are still looked down upon by society, and rightly so. Yet, many “right thinking” people don’t seem to mind porn and graphic violence sprinkled through their mainstream entertainment. Bad language, graphic violence, graphic sex and nudity are part of what some will declare a “good” movie. Some will insist it isn’t gratuitous but it all really is. It still involves people not married to each other having real or faked sex for all voyeurs to watch and be titillated. It is sin. It has been so pervasive in our entertainment over the years that even Christians aren’t bothered much by it and may indulge in such behavior themselves. It is sad that human corruption is so entertaining. Sadly, I find it so in some measure, too, but it doesn’t make it right.
What do pornography, porn in mainstream entertainment, promiscuity, pre-marital sex, adultery, incest, homosexuality in all its forms, and rape have in common? Sexual sin. I may be accused of being old fashioned, or out of touch with the world but I do believe serious consideration should be given to God’s attitude toward sexual sin. Look up 1 Corinthians 6:9; Hebrews 13:4; Revelation 21:8 and 22:15. Consider the full context of each verse. Since God is the creator and sustainer of the universe and ultimate judge of us all, His view of such things must be treated as most important.
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